Sunday, January 3, 2010

Fun day!

On New Year's day....we did nothing! Woke up around noon, had mochi my friend made for brunch and leftover for dinner. We were all in pajamas all day long! What a lazy family!!!!!

So, on the second, I demanded to go to restaurant for brunch at Fairway. Their food is SO good! And usually BIG, we ordered 2 plates hoping it will be more than enough but the food was so small. Did my stomach become American size or American size became Japanese size?

Hey, but it was still scrumptious! (By the way, I didn't know the word SCRUMPTIOUS but I learned from watching Sesame Street with baby! It's such a cute word! I am going to use the word a lot from now on!)

My favorite boys waiting for brunch...

Me struggling to cut steak. My steak is better than this one! Sorry, Fairway! But I always buy your meat. It wasn't just right seasonings and cooking!

After grocery shopping (don't you think grocery is getting more expensive everyday? We just bought few things and it was already $100!), we headed to friends' house!

Her blog is amazing. She records everything she does...I can never do that. I have some secret ...! (hehehe) She already blogged about her party also! Check it out! ;)

OK, since I was so lazy today (3rd) again, I will be like her today...! (Lots of pictures and writings!)

Baby looooooooooooooves their cat!

And the cat, Chicken, loves G!!!

Of many SCRUMPTIOUS foods! I ate so much...but I have no regret!

Baby gave lots of hugs and kisses but I don't think she was comfortable! Look!

Baby loved this girl so much!

G was kinda bored but once he found out he could play was totally different story! Their huge (60inch?) TV was something else! When we move, we make sure we buy huge dining/activity table and TV!

But....adults took over the games!!!

What a fuuuuuuuuuuuun day!

Not to forget to mention, we stopped by Baskin and Robbins to have ice cream in the very cold weather! I am the ice cream lover!!!!

I forgot to take pic of Mamas... :( Next time?


  1. GREAT PHOTOS!! The food DOES look SCRUMPTIOUS. I like that word, too. :-)

    Got your text...thanks so much! I'll definitely let you know when I'm back! Can't wait to hang out.


  2. I had to ask my hunnie what "Scrumptious" means... It IS a cute word♡

  3. うはは。ハニさん、ぼけすぎ。でも、しゃべり方とか似てきて笑えるんだよね。

    Scrumptiousって、難しいけど、Sesame streetのToday’s wordだったんだよ。かなり焦った!でもそれから大好きになっちゃったよ。


    Hello, babe!!!
    You are still there??? :( Come back to the reality!!!
    Can't wait to see you guys!

  4. 先日は楽しかったね〜。そしておいしかたね〜。

  5. おいしいっていう意味みたいよ~!知らなかったよね?でも一度聞いたらすっごい気に入っちゃった。


