Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Big brother view



Monday, August 26, 2013

Knock! Knock!



Men love fishing


これ、Central parkで無料で釣竿を貸してくれます。男は我慢!がうちのモットーですが、やっぱりつれないとつまらんね。亀がいすぎて、亀がいると竿を引かないといけないから、糸がからまるばかり。


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Happy birthday to our favorite boy!


Favorite people at my work!!!

Papa in suits!


Awwww, my darling in suits! I love it!!!

At Michael's wedding. It's so good to have a date like this. Dress up, kids free, enjoy time together by 2 of us! I can't wait to have more dates with you!!!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Lorna Schofield, I would probably never know about her in my life, if I didn't apply for US citizenship. She is the first Filipino American judge in the history!!! Not only that, she did my (well, and other 160 people?) ceremony for naturalization.

When I thought about being an American, I didn't feel anything special. Many people become American everyday and it didn't seem difficult thing and it wasn't difficult for me either except the processing fee was painful. When I told people I am becoming US citizen, they simply told me "Congratulations" and I honestly I didn't understand what's so proud to be an American. 

The whole view changed because of this judge!!! As she entered the ceremony room, this small lady stood in front of us and first thing she mentioned was she is the first Filipino American judge appointed by Obama and she just recently became a judge. She shared the story other judges told her being at naturalization ceremony is one of the best thing to do as a judge and I just wanted to roll my eyes and tell her "They gotta be kidding!!!" Well, she continued with her story....her mother was born in Philippines, married American soldier, moved to America and became an American. She became very emotional and choked....tears in her eyes.... 

I am VERY sure her mother was one strong woman to raise a future judge!!!!

I was so happy that this new judge represented my naturalization process. I was even able to shake her hand! 

She also explained what it's like to be as an American and strongly emphasized  that in this country, it is illegal to be discriminated. Oh, how I wish I was able to record what she said! It was so so so so good but of course with my poor memory, the details are gone. (already!!!) However, I will never forget about what was delivered to my heart as an American and now I am proud to be one of them. Thank you, judge! You are the best!










Friday, August 23, 2013

Papa is giant







My dear friend, very new friend, very sexy friend, very artistic friend, very beautiful friend, very intelligent friend, very loving friend.....what a thoughtful gift I've ever received!!!!  She went to Turkey and found this and she wrote on a card "I thought of you". I didn't get her idea of thinking of me by looking at this first because I was looking from different direction and trying to figure out what kind of language it was then my fiance took it away from me and turned around the frame....and it reads.... Lala.....!!!!

Oh my god!

And I received this gift through our mutual friend in the morning of oath to naturalization day! (today! August 23rd, 2013) Lala was officially added as my middle name. I am so so so so so so so so so so moved!!!! 

Thank you, Lale, this is one beautiful gift!!!

They love each other



Where he belongs to....


This is it!!!

Thursday, August 22, 2013


I did it!!! This is my 1000th blog here!!! YAY!!!

Most of them are of course my princess pictures but I feel accomplished! 

Well, today I wanted to write about family issues regards to "unfairness" and "think before you say or do". I talk about these things with my kids, especially with my oldest one. There is sleep over camp plan coming up this weekend and I offered him to go with my friends since I can't go due to my work and wedding. Even if there was no work nor wedding, we still couldn't go because of my health condition. 

Anyways, he said he didn't wanna go because he already did lots of camping up in Vermont. I didn't push him any further. Then all of sudden he decided he wanted to join yesterday. I didn't think too deeply and I asked my friends if they could arrange plan for him to join. However, my bad feelings grew, grew, and grew....I knew something was really wrong. It's not fair for him to go. That was my conclusion. It's just not fair, son. 

Think of his little brother who has been DREAMING about sleeping in a tent, making smore, and having spooky conversations under dark sky in the forest. He would have been SO happy to go that he would have never refused the idea. Don't take things for granted, son. It's just not fair. 

We stay as family whether you like or not. Years will fly and you will go on  your own soon. Then  you make your own decision with your own consequences. Until then, I have to stay strong. I have to make sure I laid right directions for them to go on.....

Why he is crying.....

Because....there were so many dogs around him and got scared of his allergic reaction! Oh, drama boy! (Yes, he does suffer from allergy)

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Red and white

Yes, I'm wearing (no picture) red top and white pants (as always) as my scrub today.
I'm representing my country, Japan!
On Friday, I have oath to American citizenship! But I'm still Japanese and I will be always Japanese.
I'm me and I'm not going to change who I'm.
But little reminder like this makes me proud where I'm from.
I love you, Japan. You are my true pride. 

New head!


Angry bird helmet!!!!

Good job, big brother!


Kids love him! He is such a good leader at summer camp!!! Thank  you for your love. I love you!

Thank you, Japanese grandparents!


Birthday gift from Japanese grandparents! Papa showed up at park at the end of summer camp!!!

Happy birthday!


At summer camp!!! Thank  you all for celebrating with him!!!

Trouble 3


Trouble but loving 3 boys. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Last smile from 4 years old boy!

This pic was taken on August 20th, right before I go to work. This boy was only 4 years old at this time! I will miss you, 4 years old boy! You are one handful boy but I love you so much and it makes me smile every time I think of you!!! Keep growing like a big tree!

Monday, August 19, 2013

With grandpa

Grandpa made very short visit to us from Florida!!! He was so happy to be with him. Come longer next time!!!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

what my 5 years old wants for his birthday...

Ipad and Angry Birds cake. Oh boy. Mama and Papa gotta work few jobs now!!!!custom12.jpg









でもわたしより他にがんばってる人たちはたくさんいるし、New Yorkerとしては、かなり当たり前レベルの「がんばり」様。

Full timeの仕事を2つこなして、子供もたくさんいる人たちもたくさんいるし、家族に病気な人もいるし、給料だってわたしの半分って人もたくさんいる。





  • 睡眠時間を増やす(無理!来月からまた学校だから、睡眠時間はまた減るのは確実。そして子供達が学校にもどるから、朝も早く起きないといけないもんな。でもお昼寝の時間をちゃんと確保しよう。)
  • 健康な食事(これはもうちょっと気をつけないとな。仕事場でもちゃんと自分でお弁当持っていって、決められた時間に食べて、家に帰ったら何も食べないようにしないと。お酒は最近ずっと控えめになったから、これは大丈夫。)
  • 運動(時間あるのかなあ?)
  • 趣味(読書だけが趣味だけど、もっと健康的に体を動かす趣味がほしいね。でも趣味も金と時間がかかり、またストレスのもとになってしまうのかなあ?)
  • お金(早くダーリンの学生ローンとかが決まるといいな。宝くじもそろそろ当たるね!よかった、よかった。)
  • 仕事(病院に仕事をかえよう。週3日だけ働けばいいようになれば、時間も増える。今の職場で週1とかで働けば、またお金も増える。)
  • 学校(学校は今までの通り、無理せずに1クラスづつとっていこう。)
  •  日本への帰国(日本の家族に会うことで、ゆっくり出来るはず!おばあちゃまの顔も見たいし、パパがれいちゃんに会った時の顔も見たい。絶対に帰れるようにしよう)
  • 子供達(こんな母ちゃんで我慢しててくれて、ありがとう。大好きだよ)
  • 結婚式(披露宴はしなくてもいいのかも?お金もかかるし、いろいろ考えるとストレスになりそう?ダーリンが弁護士になってからやってもいいのかもね。)


Monday, August 12, 2013

I love you


Sunday, August 11, 2013

Park time with papa while mama gains beauty sleep


Saturday, August 10, 2013

What a birthday present....

Since 2 days before my 35th birthday, my stomach is killing me....

As a result, found polyps on gallbladder and multiple ulcer on stomach

I really have to be careful what I eat and not to be stressed out but it's not easy task as a mother of 3 children and working mother who has many bills to pay in NYC! 

I eat when I come  back home from work which is of course after midnight. This is already bad eating habit. 

I don't have any hobby to enjoy because 1.I don't have time. 2 I don't have money. I need to find something I could relax with....

I have to make more $ to save, so I could have better piece of mind for better future and rain days. 


Just to think about how to solve problems is already stressing. 

OK, power of attraction, I shouldn't be thinking those are the problems!!! 

So, what could I call them?

Hints to my life???

Spices to my life???

Suggestions to my life???

Eye openers to my life????

OK....maybe I have too much time to think and I was complaining I don't have time!!! HA! Silly me! 

Hang in there, Lala. I will be just fine like my fiance is telling me behind.....!!! Grrrrrrrrr!! (Yes, I am upset with you for not listening to me!!!!!!!!!! I will never forget I had to wake up so early on my working day on Saturday to listen to you fool! Next time you had better listen to this Queen of the house!)

OK, I feel better. Off to bed. I deserve it. 

Thursday, August 8, 2013






Monday, August 5, 2013

Such a happy birthday!



  Photo by my longest friend in NYC, Miyuki!!! I missed her so much! I haven't seen her so long but everytime I see her, it doesn't feel I haven't seen her so long. I love her and her daughter so much! 

Look at this beautiful baby!!! YAY! My daughter is so cute! No one can deny that!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Skype shot by Son


Friday, August 2, 2013

View from her brother


Happy birthday to me!

Thank you, my family, they got my favorite foods! (No need to cook any of this!)I love you and I will spend rest of my birthdays with you guys, well....at least with you, my fiance!