Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Their idol


Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Best brothers


Sunday, July 21, 2013

 いや~。びっくり!最近なんだか出不精ダーリンが、デートしようとか、昔住んでいた辺りのCentral parkに行きたがり、変な小さなバッグを持ち歩いてるな・・・とは思ったけど、まさか婚約指輪を持ち歩いてるとは知りませんでしたっ!

彼曰く、この2ヶ月間、いろいろとTryしたけど、毎回何かが起こり、なかなかプロポーズできなかったみたい。(そうだったの~?一言相談してくれればよかったのに!笑)で、この日もCPのCastleに行くって言い出して、めんどくせ~って思ったけど、付き合ってあげました。で、てっぺんに着いた時、いきなり次男が鼻血をまた出し、早く下ろうとすると、「大丈夫」とか言ってるから、とんでもない!って思って、急降下。その後トイレして、アイス休憩。じゃ、またPicnicするか!と、シーツを広げて、Picnic。またトイレに行きたくなったので、トイレにいって帰ると、ぶつぶつ、もう何年も付き合ってるね・・・とか、どうでもいい事(笑)を言い出したので、話しに付き合ってあげると、いきなりひざまついて、Marry me?と、ね!うふふ~!もちろん答えはYes!でしょ?だってさああ、私付き合って数ヶ月でダーリンに指輪あげてるんだよおおっ!?Marry me?って箱に書いてね。だから、私の中ではずっと婚約中だったんだけど!!!


What a surprise! I didn't think he was ready...(to buy me ring....I was forcing him to save $ for it though)!!! He said he had the ring over 2 months and every time he attempted to ask me, something happened like I had to go to bathroom or it was too noisy. Oh yeah? I knew he had been asking to go to Central Park in our old neighborhood and I was suspicious why but I didn't think he had the ring yet!!!

I remember I gave him a ring with a box noted "Marry me?" after few months I started to dating him. I was in love with him since the day I met him. This hasn't changed and will never change! I love him so much. Thinking about him makes my heart tighten every time. He is so precious and words can't describe for my love for him. 

Thank you for asking me but you knew the answer already! 

Now what!? Wedding!!!???

With what $!!?? Should I start raising $ for wedding??? LOL

I love you, my darling! Thank you for the beautiful ring! I love it so much!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

What's this!?


Friday, July 19, 2013

On their way to pick up the oldest

He will be back!!! My oldest son is coming back from Vermont today. Unfortunately I have to go to work but those 3 are going to pick him up! Papa, you are giant, compare to those babies! Can't wait to see the big kiddo!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


20130715_083707.jpg He didn't want to carry this backpack anymore since he declared that "too babyish!" This was very first backpack his Japanese grandparents gave him and I was so sad. When we got there at summer camp, one girl told him that she likes his backpack, now he is so happy to wear this again! HA! Power of girls!!!! We rock!

Saturday, July 13, 2013



『良く学び 良く遊べ  学ばずして 遊ばずして何が人生』


長男が小さい頃は、All what I ask from you is to be a gentleman. でした。Gentlemanって、この時代、本当にいない。でも小さい子には、何がGentlemanがよくわからなかっただろうな。トイレにGentlemanとか書いてあるし・・・・。






Friday, July 12, 2013

Joining summer camp?


Thursday, July 11, 2013


一体この子と夏何しよう!?って、悩んじゃったけど、友達が学校を作りたい!ってのに賛同して、週3日、毎朝Central parkで冒険しています。この子と向き合えるのはこの夏で最後。夏の後は一日中学校に行っちゃうから、あまり会えなくなります。涙。最高の思い出を作ろう!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Had fun at wedding!

My favorite twins

Sense of dignity

We went to fruits stand to buy fruits (of course!). Cherry was available. The man offered Daichi cherry to try. He didn't like it, he said it was too sour. He spat out seed and hold onto the stem. He asked the man, "where can I throw those away?" The man took in his hands and threw them away.

He said to my son, "I like your sense of dignity, you didn't just throw on the street. I appreciate it."

In my culture, it's such a usual behavior but I realized people in NYC are not that mindful. It's filled with garbage. Something to think about and something to appreciate about my son.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Professionally done


I love you!

うーん、まだ酒も入ってないのに(あ、嘘、昼間のBaby showerで飲んだか)酔っぱらいみたいな私。かわいいダーリンの笑顔!大好きだよ。

Baby Shower

ここに集まった方、皆写真家。不思議だ。さとみちゃん、がんばってね。不思議な出会いで始まったけど、お腹の赤ちゃんがいなかったら、私達は友達になっていなかった。そう思うと、この赤ちゃんにはもう縁を感じるわ。写真家の集まりだから、写真も超High quality!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Enjoying park


I didn't know they existed in NYC!!!! In the middle of Manhattan! How exciting for boys (not for me!)くわがたがセントラルパークにいたよ~!子供達は大喜び!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Papa in childhood, twin of my daughter


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Another reason to celebrate for!

No more unnecessary stress for my precious BF and bright future!!!

First Japanese writing

The left book was provided by summer camp with his name on. The right paper....the first time he copied his name in Japanese! Then I saw him writing again and again throughout the day! I am so proud of you!

First day of Japanese summer camp



Dress up  

次男の洋服の買い物に行くと、次男が「ああ、早く選んで、着替え室にいって、Dress upするよ。ママは表で座って待っていてね。」と、超わくわく!

男の子なのにDress upが楽しいのかあ・・・。不思議な気分。





We were going for shopping. I told my middle son that I am going to buy him clothing. He got so excited and told me "Mama, I am going to pick clothes, go to fitting room and do dress up. You could sit outside and wait for me, ok?"

Hmmmm!? I didn't expect him to be so excited about buying few shirts. I thought men are not into shopping just like I am (well, I am not interested because of financial reason!).

When we were picking up clothes, he was so attentive and wanted to participate with every moment. His eyes were bright and excited.

Papa helped him in dressing room as I and my daughter waited outside. He came outside and do his posing in front of me everytime he changed into new outfit. He was so adorable and I just couldn't stop smiling for him.

I decided to take 1 session off from my schooling to face to him since he is going to kindergarten all day from September which limits our time together.  I tried to do something special to face to him and let us feel we love each other but I realized I really didn't have to do anything special but to pay closer attention to regular activity such as buying t shirts. I should have known it's more important to recognize him in daily life.

The summer just started, I am not giving up on you. I am making sure you know mommy loves you and I will be there for you for ever. And this is for all of you, my children and my precious BF. I love you all!!!