Monday, September 23, 2013


Oh boy. Horrible infection on my eyes! It started on Saturday. I went to work with eye patch on thinking it was just nothing. They sent me home right away and my eye got better. Then my other eye got swollen so badly last night I thought I was going to be blind. And I was in this morning! I couldn't see anything. My angel daughter was just laying on my chest watching TV all morning and asked me to put her to bed at nap time, so I was able to relax. My fiance took me to ophthalmologist while my friends took care of my middle one.

Initially doctors (yes! 3 of them!!!) told me I can't work next 2-3 weeks but I told them I wanna go back to work, so I will see them on Saturday again to see if they could clear me to go to work by then! 

I see people with conjunctivitis at work all the time. They are placed on antibiotic and we keep monitoring. Now I really feel their pain and I know what to look out for them. As a nurse, it's important to place myself in their shoes. 

Thank you, universe, to give me more teaching and I will be a better nurse once I return to work.

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