Saturday, September 28, 2013

Breathtaking view

We have always lived in west side, so we hardly go to east side. Today we decided to walk a lot!

First, we had to stop by at my eye doctor to get checked up, then had lunch. This was at Amsterdam and 113th St. 

We walked to all the way to Central park...started with Great Hill...the destination was 59th and East side!!! It means....we had to cross over whole Central park!!!

After walking over 2 hours, we had to hop onto cab to be on time for my son's audition to opera (!!!!) but we made it through to 70th St and East side! Great job!!!

As we walked east side, we found this breathtaking was reservoir at Central park. OH MY GOD!!!! I didn't know the view was this good!!! And the view of West Side was amazing. I am so used to see East Side from West Side, I didn't know we belong to this part of view! (Well, not really but hey!)

Next time, I must bring my fiance. I am sure he will enjoy the view but I doubt he will join the exploration! Come on, baby! Get up and enjoy your life with kids!!! Now or never!!! 

Thank you, kids, for being with me and spending wonderful time. I love every moment with you. I wish I could do this very often and I make sure I will be able to very soon! I love you, each of you, very very very very very much. 

このため池、Central parkにあるんだけど、East Sideから見る事がなく、今日見たらすっごい感動した!!!いつもWest sideからのViewしかみていないせいか、このEast sideからのViewは本当ため息もの!

1週間かけてこの悪魔のような病気生活を抜け出し、まずは医者にCheckしてもらはないといけないので、医者に皆(パパ以外)で行って、OKをもらった後、軽く昼食を食べて、そこ(Amsterdamと113丁目あたり)からCentral Parkまで歩き、ずっとCentral Parkを歩く事にしたよ。

Central ParkのGreat hillエリアは夏ずっとお世話になったから、もどってくるとふしぎな感覚でした。でも、夏とは違うね・・・って、いろいろ話しながら、夏にはなかった木の実や、枯葉、あとからParkレンジャーのおかげでりんごではなく、チェリーだとわかった木を見たりして、季節を感じながら、この超気持ちいい時間を楽しみました。

結局目標だった59丁目までは、コンサートをやっていたのでなかなか思うように前に進めず、70丁目のEast sideあたりでGive up!お兄ちゃんのオペラのAuditionがあったから、そこからタクシーで会場に向かった。


わけわからない事言ってたけどね。 I did my best. I didn't practice enough. I messed up. I think I did well.どっちなんだ?がんばったって言ってるわりには、練習すればよかったとか、楽譜まで忘れているし、上手くやれたって言ってるわりには、途中でとまっちゃったよ・・・って言ってたし。





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