Monday, October 26, 2009

cold turkey!

Pediatrician told us "Play cold turkey" I was like ??????????

I guess it means "Cold turkey" is an expression describing the actions of a person who gives up a habit or addiction all at once. (From Wiki)

So....yes, yes, yes, is back to crib!!!!

My BF got kicked out of his own bed and he has been sleeping in the bunk bed with my older son. My baby was nursed every 20 min (well, maybe not but it felt like so) all night long. I was not getting good sleep, my BF was in pain from thin mattress from the bunk bed, the crib became a was about time. We asked baby's NP, who happens to be my BF's old classmate from middle school, how to put baby back to sleep in his crib after 14 months of being with mom. She said "Play cold turkey!"

We did it...!!!

The first night...he cried 24 min then we heard him my BF went to see him...he called me with was hanging on the crib, sleeping by was soooo cute but I couldn't take picture! Too bad!

The second day, the day he went to bed in the midnight, it took him only 12min.

The third day, which is last night, it took him 20 min since my BF decided to take shower , next to the crib, and it was little disturbing to baby.

I think he is ok now. He wakes up couple times and cries but goes back to sleep. I am so proud of him!!!

My breasts are so big and wet in the morning, I couldn't wait to nurse him in the morning. I cheat to take naps with him, so I can hug him and kiss him and sleep with him like oldies...!

My BF is officially back to our bed now. Welcome back!

My older son got his own room back without hearing snores from my BF.

The family is happily ever after....

But I feel little bit left out...!!!! :(

でも私はなんだか寂しいなあ・・・!!! :(

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